Storyline: Set in Scotland in a rugged and mythical time, “Brave” features Merida, an aspiring archer and impetuous daughter of royalty. Merida makes a reckless choice that unleashes unintended peril and forces her to spring into action to set things right.
Movie Info:
[TITLE]…………………….[ Brave (2012)
[DIRECTOR]………………….[ Mark Andrews, Brenda Chapman
[RELEASE DATE]………………[ 21 June 2012 (Malaysia)
[FORMAT]:…………………..[ Matroska (MKV)
[GENRE]:……………………[ Animation | Action | Adventure
[NO OF CDs]…………………[ 1
[FILE SIZE]:………………..[ 600MB
[RESOLUTION]:……………….[ 1280x536
[LANGUAGE]:…………………[ English
[SUBTITLES]:………………..[ None
[RELEASE RUNTIME]:…………..[ 01:33:37
[SOURCE]:…………………..[ 720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-HDChina
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